Project objectives/is supportive of the identified priorities as follows:
Identifying the existing barriers of mentally disabled youngsters in partner countries for what concerns integration in Sport, education and society as well as comparing the latter with the existing targeted offer of ETS.
Producing a Training Format based on ETS allowing youth workers to fill the gap between existing needs and extant offer through delivering ETS programme targeted at an audience of mentally disabled young people.
Testing the educational outcomes achieved on operators in the context of a coordinated phase of local activities where youth workers will pursue direct educational impact on local youngsters with mental disability, while at the same time carrying out awareness-raising and knowledge-transfer activities with stakeholders, thereby furthering diffusion and replication of knowledge.
Comparing and integrating the input of local activities in all partner countries for the purposes of developing materials of methodological guidance (Manual) and online education (Web Platform) for external operators, applicable across geographical barriers and based on locally achieved experience).Laying the grounds for an extension of the cooperation through preparing further projects exploring the connection between ETS, personal development and social inclusion of mentally disabled youngsters
The project has direct and indirect targets.
We aim at impacting directly on youth workers (Training Course and Seminar) as well as on mentally disabled youngsters that will take part in local workshops (10 per country).
We aim at impacting indirectly on partner organizations, operators (in Sport, NGO, education) not directly participating in the project and the general category of mentally disabled young people within and beyond partner countries.